To ensure you get the most out of the Personal Wellness Assessment (PWA), make sure to follow Wellable’s best practices below!
To increase the number of responses you receive from the PWA, it is important to reward those who have taken the time to complete the Assessment. Participation in the PWA on a User level can be found by requesting a PWA Report or by referencing the Participant List Chart.
Reviewing Data In The Context of Organization
When reviewing the PWA data, it is important to take into consideration the number of responses compared to the number of Users within the wellness program. If participation in the PWA is high, the data from the assessment will be more valuable to you as an employer to determine wellness programming.
Standard Deviation
If the standard deviation for a specific question is high, that indicates there are a wide variety of responses. It is important to take that into consideration when planning challenges. For example, if there are a wide variety of answers in response to a question about physical activity, this could indicate there is population of employees who are very active, some that are moderately active, and some who are not active at all. This is important to consider when challenge planning as you want to ensure Wellable Points and potential rewards are achievable for most people, yet still engaging for those who are very active.
Important Areas Of The PWA To Review
It is important to look at both the categories that ranked low, and the categories that ranked high. The lower ranked categories can give insight into which areas employees need help with. For example, if employees ranked low in the nutrition category, this is an indication that Users may enjoy a challenge that focuses on nutrition and guidance surrounding healthy eating. The higher ranked categories can give insight into which areas employees might already enjoy focusing on. For example, if your employees ranked highest in social connection, they may enjoy a team challenge to connect with their colleagues.