To ensure you make the most of your rewards, make sure to follow Wellable’s reward best practices below!
Define The Wellness Program Rewards Budget
Before choosing the wellness program rewards, it is important to define a rewards budget. While planning a budget, take the program’s objectives into consideration (e.g., team building, employee recognition, morale booster, etc.). Since goals, objectives, and budgets differ significantly with each organization, there are a wide range of reward options to choose from.
Determine The Wellness Program Rewards Structure
Program rewards structure refers to the methodology used to determine which participants receive a reward. When creating a program rewards structure, it is important that prizes are attainable for all participants, not just top performers. This is especially important when every participant will not receive a reward because participant goals vary from one person to the next and each participant should be encouraged to put in the extra effort to reach their goals. A great way to accommodate different levels of performance and help motivate employees to give it their all is to offer participation-based raffle drawings and/or team-based rewards.
If budget permits, all employees can be eligible for a reward. Even in these types of reward structures, thresholds for users to earn rewards should be attainable; otherwise, individuals may choose not to participate.
Choose Desirable And Meaningful Rewards
When choosing wellness program rewards, it is important to select options that will get participants excited. Employee preferences differ greatly, and the reward structure should reflect this diversity. To increase motivation, offer rewards that allow winners to choose a reward that they most prefer and will be motivated by, allowing the rewards program to deliver the greatest value possible.
Communicate Wellness Program Rewards
Promotion of wellness program rewards is a key component of sparking initial program interest and maintaining long-term engagement. The reward structure is typically communicated through multiple channels prior to and during the program. The two primary communication channels are (i) the Bulletin Board and (ii) emails, both of which are accessible from the Communications menu in your Admin Account.
- Bulletin Board: The Bulletin Board is a customizable area within a User Account that can communicate program details and other useful information. We recommend adding the wellness program rewards structure to the Bulletin Board so participants can be reminded of the available rewards each time they sign into their User Account. The Bulletin Board in challenges created from the Challenge Library include a “Prizes” section, which you will be able to edit, to showcase the program rewards.
- Emails: Wellable recommends promoting wellness program rewards through multiple email communications, including an internal announcement email and Challenge Update Emails. The email communications in challenges created from the Challenge Library include a “Prizes” section, which you will be able to edit, to showcase the program rewards. Communicating rewards before, during, and after a program helps maximize participant awareness of this important information to drive interest and engagement.
Deliver Timely Rewards
Behavioral economics suggests that individuals value rewards in the present more than equivalent rewards in the future. This is known as present bias. Research also suggests that delivering a reward as close to the completion of a given task strengthens the connection between the two. As such, it is strongly encouraged to make reward delivery as frequent as possible. This will do a better job in making small accomplishments meaningful, increasing the value of rewards by addressing the present bias, and linking behaviors to the associated reward.
Leverage Wellable’s Reward Administration
Take reward distribution off your plate by selecting from one of Wellable’s rewards options! Once you’ve finalized the selection and eligibility, your Customer Success Manager will manage the distribution process for you.