Below is a list and description of the available Personalization Tokens in Wellable. Brackets (“[“ and “]”) indicate the beginning and end of a Personalization Token and must be included in communications to have the Personalization Token operate correctly. Personalization Tokens are also case sensitive.
Company & Challenge Profile Personalization Tokens
Company & Challenge Profile Personalization Tokens are available for use in emails, including the subject line when noted, and Bulletin Boards. These Personalization Tokens insert information related to the Company and Challenge a User is associated with.
This Personalization Token will display the name of the Company for the Challenge selected for the associated email, including subject line, or Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display the name of the Challenge selected for the associated email or Bulletin Board. The Challenge Name is available to edit under Challenges in the Admin Account.
This Personalization Token will display the Start Date of the Challenge selected for the associated email or Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display the End Date of the Challenge selected for the associated email or Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display the previous month based on the sent date or access date for the associated email, including subject line, or Bulletin Board, respectively.
This Personalization Token will display the current month based on the sent date or access date for the associated email, including subject line, or Bulletin Board, respectively.
This Personalization Token will display the next month based on the sent date or access date for the associated email, including subject line, or Bulletin Board, respectively.
User Profile Personalization Tokens
User Profile Personalization Tokens are available for use in emails and Bulletin Boards. These Personalization Tokens insert information related to a User's profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s First Name according to their Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Last Name according to their Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Username according to their Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Team according to their Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Organization according to their Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s fellow teammates in a list. This Personalization Token can be used to communicate the individuals on a User's team.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Unit Of Measurement, according to their Wellable profile, as “miles” or “kilometers”.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Unit Of Measurement, according to their Wellable profile, as “Miles” or “Kilometers”.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Coupon Code for the subsidy on a wearable device. To receive coupon code numbers, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s Custom Field according to their Wellable profile. Custom fields are used to store specific data about Users, such as employee number or reward/incentive choice.
User Performance Personalization Tokens
User Performance Personalization Tokens are only available for use in email communications. Since the information presented by User Performance Personalization Tokens are available in other parts of the Wellable User Account, they are not made available for use in the Bulletin Board, unless noted in the individual description. These Personalization Tokens insert information related to a User's performance in a program.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s total number of Wellable Points during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. This Personalization Token is also available for use in the subject line of emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s total number of miles or kilometers traveled during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement that were tracked as steps. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s total number of miles or kilometers traveled from steps during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement that were tracked as miles or kilometers. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile. Steps are converted in miles by dividing the total number of steps taken by 2,000.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s total number of miles or kilometers traveled during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will include the total number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement, including those from steps and those tracked as distance. This Personalization Token is equal to [UserTotalMiles] plus [UserTotalMileageSteps]. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s total number of steps during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of steps converted from movement that was tracked as miles or kilometers.
This Personalization Token will display a User's total number of meals and snacks logged during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
This Personalization Token will display a User’s total number of Special Activities completed during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
This Personalization Token will display the User in the selected Challenge that is in first place during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The User’s name will appear as it does on the leaderboard (i.e., first name and last initial).
This Personalization Token is only applicable for organizations who integrate the 2022 version of Personal Wellness Assessment into their wellness program. It will display as “Not Started” if the User has answered no questions, “Partially Completed” if the User has answered at least 1 question, or “Completed” if the entire assessment has been completed. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token is only applicable for organizations who integrate the 2024 version of Personal Wellness Assessment into their wellness program. It will display as “Not Started” if the User has answered no questions, “Partially Completed” if the User has answered at least 1 question, or “Completed” if the entire assessment has been completed. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display as “Not Submitted” if the Clinician Verification Form for annual physical verification has not been uploaded or “Completed” if the Clinician Verification Form has been uploaded. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display as “Not Submitted” if the Clinician Verification Form for flu shot verification has not been uploaded or “Completed” if the Clinician Verification Form has been uploaded. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display as “Not Submitted” if the Clinician Verification Form for Covid-19 vaccination verification has not been uploaded or “Completed” if the Clinician Verification Form has been uploaded. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display as “Not Submitted” if the Clinician Verification Form for dental exam verification has not been uploaded or “Completed” if the Clinician Verification Form has been uploaded. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token has the same functionality as the [Dental1] Personalization Token (see above) but is used for the second dental exam in a year.
This Personalization Token will display as “Not Submitted” if the Clinician Verification Form for vision exam verification has not been uploaded or “Completed” if the Clinician Verification Form has been uploaded. This Personalization Token is available for use in emails and on the Bulletin Board.
Team Performance Personalization Tokens
Team Performance Personalization Tokens are only available for use in email communications. Since the information presented by Team Performance Personalization Tokens are available in other parts of the Wellable User Account, they are not made available for use in the Bulletin Board, unless otherwise noted. These Personalization Tokens insert information related to the performance of a User's team.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of Wellable Points for a User’s team during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. Please note that total number of Wellable Points for a team is based on the average, not cumulative, number of Wellable Points for all members of a team.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of miles or kilometers traveled for a User’s team during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement that were tracked as steps. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of miles or kilometers traveled from steps for a User’s team during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement that were tracked as miles or kilometers. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile. Steps are converted in miles by dividing the total number of steps taken by 2,000.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of miles or kilometers traveled for a User’s team during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will include the total number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement, including those from steps and those tracked as distance. This Personalization Token is equal to [TeamTotalMiles] plus [TeamTotalMileageSteps]. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of steps for a User’s team during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of steps converted from movement that was tracked as miles or kilometers.
This Personalization Token will display the team in the selected Challenge that is in first place during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
Program Performance Personalization Tokens
Program Performance Personalization Tokens are only available for use in email communications. Since the information presented by Challenge Performance Personalization Tokens are available in other parts of the Wellable User Account, they are not made available for use in the Bulletin Board, unless otherwise noted. These Personalization Tokens insert information related to all participants in a User's challenge or program.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of Wellable Points for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The Personalization Token is also available for use on the Bulletin Board.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of miles or kilometers traveled for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement that were tracked as steps. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of miles or kilometers traveled from steps for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range in the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement that were tracked as miles or kilometers. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile. Steps are converted in miles by dividing the total number of steps taken by 2,000.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of miles or kilometers traveled for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will include the total number of miles or kilometers traveled from movement, including those from steps and those tracked as distance. This Personalization Token is equal to [UserTotalMiles] plus [UserTotalMileageSteps]. The unit of measurement (miles vs. kilometers) will be determined by the User’s setting in his or her Wellable profile.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of steps for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. The number reported by this Personalization Token will not reflect the number of steps converted from movement that was tracked as miles or kilometers.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of check-in activities for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email. Check-in activities are physical activities that are not tracked by steps or distance, such as going to a yoga class or weight lifting.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of meals and snacks logged for the designated challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of Daily Challenges completed for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of Special Activities completed for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
This Personalization Token will display the total number of Wellable Points earned from completing Special Activities for the designated Challenge during the period noted by the Report Date Range of the associated email.
Leaderboard Personalization Tokens
Leaderboard Personalization Tokens are only available for use in email communications. Since the information presented by Leaderboard Personalization Tokens are available in other parts of the Wellable User Account, they are not made available for use in the Bulletin Board. These Personalization Tokens insert information related to Leaderboard in a User's program.
This Personalization Token will display top-ranking individuals along with their profile pictures and total Wellable Points. The format of the leaderboard will be the same as the one found in a User Account. The rankings will be based on the date range designated by the Report Date Range in the associated email, and the number of participants shown will be based on the number designated by the Rows In Leaderboard in the associated email.
This Personalization Token will display top-ranking teams along with their average Wellable Points. The format of the leaderboard will be the same as the one found in a User Account. The rankings will be based on the date range designated by the Report Date Range in the associated email, and the number of teams shown will be based on the number designated by the Rows In Leaderboard in the associated email.