Webinars on a holistic wellness topic are available for all participants to attend. Three live sessions are available on the second Tuesday (at 10:15am EST), the second Wednesday (at 12∶15 PM EST), and second Thursday (2∶15 PM EST) of each month. After the second live session, a recording of the webinar is available for viewing on-demand. Additional details on the webinar, including promotional materials and the monthly topic, are available in your Admin Account under Programs > Health Content.
If you would like to have participants earn Wellable Points for viewing the webinar and completing the post-webinar quiz, which we recommend for Continuous Programs, you will need to create a Special Activity for the webinar and webinar quiz and include the Verification Code associated with the respective webinar. The Special Activity name for the webinar and webinar quiz will always follow this naming convention:
Webinar: THEME
Webinar Quiz: THEME
The Special Activity names must match exactly, or users will not be able to earn Wellable Points for participating. The Verification Codes are available in your Admin Account under Programs > Health Content.
For example, if the monthly webinar theme is “Physical Activity”, the webinar and webinar quiz will need to be added as follows:
Webinar: Physical Activity
Webinar Quiz: Physical Activity
If there are any discrepancies, the activity will not auto-log Wellable Points for users.