To view the Leaderboard, sign in to your Wellable User Account and go to Leaderboard.
If you are participating in an individual-based program, the Leaderboards below will be available.
The Individual Leaderboard displays your total Wellable Points as well as the total Wellable Points earned by the five participants ranked above you in the challenge, and the five participants ranked below you in the challenge. If applicable, the team name will be displayed for each participant.
Individual – All Participants
The Individual – All Participants Leaderboard displays the total Wellable Points for every participant that is earning Wellable Points in the challenge. This will show you rank among all participants. If applicable, the team name will be displayed for each participant. If you have not earned Wellable Points in the challenge, you will not see your name on this Leaderboard.
If you are participating in a team-based program, or if you have the choice to participate on a team or as an individual, in addition to the Leaderboards noted above, the Leaderboards below will also be available.
Individual – Your Team
The Individual – Your Team Leaderboard provides the total Wellable Points accumulated by each participant on your team during the selected timeframe.
The Team Leaderboard will display the average Wellable Points earned by each team during the selected timeframe. The average number of Wellable Points for all members of that team determine team rankings. When you select a team, you will see that team's leaderboard, displaying all team members and their individual Wellable Points.
If you are participating in a program where sub-groups have been assigned (e.g., department or office location), the Leaderboards below will also be available.
Individual – Your Organization
The Individual – Your Organization Leaderboard provides the total Wellable Points accumulated by each participant within your organization during the selected timeframe.
Team – Your Organization
The Team – Your Organization Leaderboard provides the average Wellable Points earned by each team within your same organization during the selected timeframe.