A User Account provides access to everything needed to participate in a Wellable wellness program, including the ability to track healthy behaviors, receive program details and updates, view leaderboards, and more. The way an individual is granted a User Account varies from organization to organization. In some cases, accounts are proactively created for eligible participants, and in others, an individual needs to create their own via an organization’s Account Creation Page. If you are unsure if you were created one or are eligible to participate, please contact your human resources department, wellness team, or program sponsor.
First Time Access
If signing in to a User Account for the first time, please reference the welcome email you should have received from your employer. If you did not receive this email, please contact your human resources department, wellness team, or program sponsor. The welcome email you receive will include instructions to access your User Account, including a link to the Sign In Page.
To access your User Account, you will need a username, which is usually a work email address, and a password, which can be reset from the Sign In Page. If you receive the message "This is not a valid username. Please try again or contact support for help.", there is not a User Account registered with the email address entered, and you will need to try a different email address as the username. If you are using the correct email address, but receive the message “Invalid password. Please try again or select the Forgot Password button.”, you are entering an incorrect password. If you cannot recall your password, you can receive a new, temporary password via email by selecting the Forgot Password button on the Sign In Page. You will need your username to reset your password.