If Health Mate data is missing in your Wellable User Account, please sign in to your Health Mate account in a web browser. If you are using a Withings device and do not see its data in your Health Mate account, it likely means your Withings device is not synced with this Health Mate account, which needs to occur for Wellable to sync data from your Withings device. Please visit the these Withings Help Center for further assistance syncing your device to the Health Mate app. If you see the data missing from your Wellable User Account in your Health Mate account, open a new window in the same web browser and sign in to Wellable.
If you still do not see Health Mate data in your Wellable User Account, this means the Health Mate account you signed in to may not be the same account as the one used to access the Health Mate app on your phone. Sign out of the Health Mate account in the web browser and sign back in using the same username and password used to access the Health Mate app on your phone.
Once you are signed in to the correct Health Mate account in the web browser, please follow the steps below.
- While signed in to your Wellable User Account, go to Connections.
- Select Connected below Health Mate.
- Select Disconnect > Disconnect.
- Select Connect to reconnect Health Mate to your Wellable User Account. Since you are already signed in to your Health Mate account in the same web browser, it will not prompt you to enter your Health Mate account credentials.