To purchase a discounted wearable device from the Wearable Device Store, please follow the instructions below.
- Sign in to your User Account.
- Go to the Wearable Devices page.
- Select Choose Options below the device of your choice.
- Select Access InviteFitness now to complete your purchase.
- Enter the Access Code wellable when prompted to begin browsing available devices and/or complete your purchase. This is not where you enter the Coupon Code.
- If applicable, choose a desired size and then select Add To Cart.
- Select the shopping bag icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and select View Cart & Checkout.
- Select Proceed To Checkout to complete the purchase.
Please note that not all programs are designed to include access to the Wellable Wearable Device store. If this is an available feature in your program, the Wearable Devices page will be accessible in your User Account.