Wellable allows challenge leaderboards to be embedded in email communications sent to Users. The individual leaderboard includes the top-ranking individuals along with their profile pictures and total Wellable Points accumulated during the Report Date Range. The team leaderboard includes the top-ranking teams along with the average Wellable Points for the team during the Report Date Range.
To send a leaderboard to participants of a challenge through an email, insert the Personalization Token for the leaderboard you would like to include, which can be found below, in the online rich-text editor. Please note that you cannot insert an individual and team leaderboard into a single email; you must choose one or the other.
Individual Leaderboard Personalization Token: [RankingReportIndividualTableContent]
Team Leaderboard Personalization Token: [RankingReportTeamTableContent]
The following areas of required information will directly influence what is populated on the leaderboard in an email.
Report Date Range
Report Date Range allows you to create a date range that will be used to determine what information to include with certain Personalization Tokens. In the case of leaderboards, only the total Wellable Points and average Wellable Points that were earned during the Report Date Range will be included in the individual and team leaderboards, respectively. The Report Date Range will default to the Challenge Date Range for the challenge when creating a new email. Copied emails will show the Report Date Range from the email being copied. Also, changing a Challenge Date Range will not change the Report Date Range for emails that have already been created.
Rows In Leaderboard
Rows In Leaderboard is used to determine the number of individuals or teams to include in the leaderboard embedded in the email. It will default to ten rows, and if the number of available individuals or teams is less than the option selected, it will show the full leaderboard (all individuals or teams).