When creating a custom challenge from scratch, the default Wellable Point structure below will be prepopulated in the challenge configuration. Wellable Points are customizable, so you will be able to make edits to the default structure. Most notably, you will want to make sure that Wellable Points are not being awarded for activities outside of the scope the challenge being created. For example, you will want to change the Wellable Points awarded for Meals and Snacks/Other to zero if nutrition will not be a part of the challenge.
Physical Activity
1 Step = 0.05 Wellable Points
1 Mile (Walk/Run) = 100 Wellable Points
1 Mile (Cycle) = 30 Wellable Points
Exercise Minute = 5 Wellable Points
Daily Maximum = 1,500 Wellable Points
1 Meal = 75 Wellable Points
1 Snack = 25 Wellable Points
Daily Maximum = 250 Wellable Points
Daily Challenge
1 Daily Challenge = 50 Wellable Points
Daily Maximum = 100 Wellable Points
Special Activity
Since a Special Activity is a custom event, you will assign the Wellable Points a User will earn for completing the activity when the Special Activity is created for a challenge.