To update multiple User Accounts at one time, you will need to populate a Update Users Template prior to following the steps below. When filling out the Update Users Template, please note that the Email Address (Username) and the information you want to update for each user are the only pieces of required information. The spreadsheet must not the altered (columns/rows added or deleted) in any way. Year Of Birth must be a four-digit year, and Gender must be either “F” for female, “M” for male, or “NB” for non-binary.
- Go to Users > Bulk Edit > Update Users in the Admin Account.
- Under Update, select which pieces of information you want to update for the User Accounts in the Update Users Template file you completed. Please note that the information selected will update for all users in the file, even if that cell is blank. For example, if you select Team under Update and a user in the file you upload has a blank in their row for Team, their team will be removed. This is why you should only select items under Update that you plan to update for all User Accounts in your file.
- Select Choose File under Upload File.
- Choose the completed Update Users Template, which includes the information of the User Accounts you want updated.
- Select Upload.
Once the file is uploaded, which may take a few minutes depending on the number of users in the file, you will be notified of the number of User Accounts updated and which ones, if any, were not updated. User Accounts that are not updated are most often due to there being no existing users in Wellable with the same Email Address (Username).