When using an activity tracking app or device while the Activity Log and Manual Entry are turned off for a challenge, Users only earn Wellable Points for distance that is measured and verified via GPS. An activity tracker may provide an estimate of distance based on step count, but unless distance is tracked via GPS, Wellable will default to the step count.
Since Wellable Points can be awarded for both steps and distance, Wellable implements a system to avoid double counting. If tracking steps and distance with the same app or device, Wellable will award Wellable Points for distance tracked via GPS and the adjusted step count after it has been corrected to reflect only the steps taken while the distance was not being tracked via GPS. This prevents a User from earning Wellable Points for the steps and distance from a single activity (double counting). For example, if on a single day a User tracked a one-mile run via GPS and took a total of 12,000 steps, which includes 2,000 steps taken during the GPS-tracked run, the app or device may report the one-mile run and 12,000 steps taken for that day. To avoid double counting (which, in this case, is the one-mile run), Wellable will award the User Wellable Points for the one-mile run and 10,000 steps (12,000 steps minus the 2,000 steps for the running activity, which is captured elsewhere).
If a User tracks steps with more than one app or device in a single day, Wellable will only award Wellable Points to the highest step count from the multiple entries in that day. The lower step counts from other apps or devices will receive zero Wellable Points.
If two different apps or devices are both tracking mileage, Wellable will grant both of the entries Wellable Points as it cannot decipher if these are different activities. In any case, Users should only connect the app(s) or device(s) that accurately transfer their data to Wellable.