An Onboarding Email is a communication that is automatically sent to a User when they are added to Wellable (when a User Account is created for them). An Onboarding Email is customizable but should, at a minimum, contain a User’s account credentials (username and temporary password), a link to sign in, and instructions on connecting an app or device to get started. Without an Onboarding Email, new Users will not be notified of their User Account or necessary information to participate in the program.
The Onboarding Email is identifiable by having the Onboarding label for the Status of the email on the Email page.
Onboarding Emails are associated with a single challenge. As such, they are only sent to Users added to that challenge. If you create a new challenge, you should create and save a new Onboarding Email. Otherwise, Users added to that challenge will not receive an Onboarding Email.