To save an Onboarding Email for a challenge, the following fields are required.
The Challenge field is used to identify which challenge will be associated with the email you are creating. Since Users can only be associated with one challenge at a time, choose the challenge based on which participants you would like to receive the email. The challenge you choose will determine what information is displayed through a number of the Personalization Tokens you can include in your email.
Email Name
Email Name is what you will use to identify the email in your Admin Account and will only be seen by you or other authorized administrators with an Admin Account. The Email Name will automatically default to “Onboarding Email – [Challenge Name]”.
The Subject field is used to populate the subject line of the email you are creating. Since the subject line of an email is a short description of the message, choose language that will encourage email recipients to open the email and inform them of what to expect.
From Name
The From Name is the name an email recipient will see as the sender of the email. This customizable feature helps increase email open and click rates by having recipients see the email as coming from a familiar and trusted source. That is, participants are more likely to engage with an email if it comes from a name they recognize. This feature also allows you to further associate emails with your company and/or wellness brand.
The From Name will automatically default to the From Name selected during the implementation process. To change the default From Name, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
From Email
The From Email is the email address recipients will see and reply to as the sender of the email. This customizable feature helps increase email open and click rates by having recipients see the email as coming from a familiar and trusted source. That is, participants are more likely to engage with an email if it comes from an email address or domain they recognize. This feature also allows you to further associate emails with your company and/or wellness brand.
The From Email will automatically default to the From Email selected during the implementation process. To change the default From Email, please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Email Body
Every email communication sent from your Admin Account must include an email body, which is the main part of an email message. It contains the message's text, images, and other data.
Since an Onboarding Email is a communication that is automatically sent to a User when they are added to Wellable (when a User Account is created for them), this email should, at a minimum, contain a User’s account credentials (username and temporary password), a link to sign in, and instructions on connecting an app or device to get started. Without an Onboarding Email, new Users will not be notified of their User Account or necessary information to participate in the program. You can use the “[Username]” and “[Password]” Personalization Tokens to populate the User’s account credentials.