To send rewards to users, you will need to populate a Bulk Reward Order Template prior to following the steps below. When filling out the Bulk Reward Order Template, please note that all columns are required information, and the spreadsheet cannot be altered (columns/rows added or deleted) in any way. In the template, Email Address (Username) must reflect a current Wellable User Account, and the reward amount should be submitted in US dollars (recipients will redeem in their local currency based on current exchange rates). The Message must be 300 characters or less (including spaces and punctuation), and the content will be displayed in the redemption email received by the user.
- Go to Rewards > Bulk Rewards in the Admin Account.
- Fill in the Description field. This is an internal label for reference and will not be visible to participants (e.g., Company Name Move More Challenge Rewards).
- Select Choose File under Upload File.
- Choose the completed Bulk Reward Order Template.
- Select Submit.
- Enter the Code. The Access Code will be sent to the email address associated with the Admin Account submitting the order. The Access Code is valid for 15 minutes.
- Select Confirm.
Once the file is uploaded, you will either receive a success message or a note to correct the uploaded file. If any submission is not properly entered in the Bulk Reward Order Template file (e.g., invalid username) or the individual or daily reward limit associated with the Admin Account is exceeded, none of the orders will be processed. Rather, the Admin Account will receive an email with specific instructions on which orders in the file are not properly entered. Once all errors are resolved, the file will be able to be successfully uploaded.